Be Still. Be Healed. Be at Peace.


Changing Conditioners

The truth is that we are all conditioned in some way. That is how behaviors are formed. When we react to a situation in the same way again and again. It becomes a behavior.

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I Looked in the Mirror

I looked in the mirror to see
And a stranger looked back at me

A stranger who had my mother’s hair
But it wasn’t my mother standing there

A stranger who had my father’s eyes
But my father was not at my side

I took a closer look and saw it now
That stranger is somewhat familiar somehow…

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Please Stop the Pain

Too much noise here
I can’t concentrate
I can’t hear anything but the noise

The voices are so loud
They never stop
They just keep screaming at me

They never say anything good
Always bad
Always ugly

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Self-Care for the Holidays Tips

Most holidays are celebrated world-wide. Though some holidays are universal at their core, everyone celebrates the holidays differently. This time of year should be filled with fun and wonder but more often than not, it is wrought with stress, anxiety, and sometimes...

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