Brain Sync


In the last 35 years, research has proven that during periods of deep relaxation the unconscious power of the brain is unlocked. Deep meditative states can be achieved by manipulating brainwaves. Brainwave therapy puts the brain in a position to build and reinforce positive actions conducive to wellbeing.

Binaural beat technology is a science that uses specially engineered recordings to target different brain states and help entrain the brain in specific areas of self-improvement and healing. A number of areas can be targeted, including improving concentration, improving sleep, increasing productivity, reducing stress and anxiety attacks and healing muscular and skeletal pain.

What is Brain Sync?

Brainwave Therapy was first discovered by biophysicist Gerald Oster at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. This therapy sends pure, precisely tuned sound waves of different frequencies to your brain via headphones.

Oster found that when different vibrations are delivered to the brain separately through each ear, the two hemispheres of the brain function together to “hear” a third phantom signal. This signal is called a binaural beat.

After several traumatic events, Kelly Howell began experimenting with this idea of re-patterning thoughts and balancing the brain. She collaborated with biofeedback therapists and neuroscientists in San Francisco. From that, she developed a blend of brainwave therapy and guided meditations. The Brain Sync programs were born.

How does Brain Sync work?

 Brain Sync audio programs deliver pure and precisely tuned sound frequencies, binaural beats, to the brain to drive brain activity into high level states of mind. The listener’s main brainwave patterns will move in the direction of the binaural-beat stimulus. It guides the brain activity into different states depending on the desired outcome.

A binaural beat is generated by delivering two different tones to either ear. For example, if a 100 Hz tone is delivered to the right ear and a 104 Hz tone to the left ear, when both tones are played together. the listener hears a third phantom beat pulsating at four cycles per second. This is the exact differential between the two tones.

It is recommended to use the desired program for at least 30 minutes a day.

Why use Brain Sync for trauma symptoms?

When your brain is in balance your ability to think, learn, and create is increased. You can concentrate more easily. You can sleep better. You are more resilient to stress. A balanced brain brings freedom from fear, worry and even addictions that have prevented you from experiencing more peace and joy.

Alpha Waves = Relaxation, Visualization, Creativity
Creates a relaxed state essential to stress reduction and high levels of creativity. Artists, musicians and athletes are prolific alpha producers; so are intuitive persons. With Brainwave Therapy binaural beat frequencies, you can begin experiencing the benefits of alpha biofeedback.

Beta Waves = Alertness, Concentration, Cognition
Ranges between 13-40 HZ makes you wide-awake and alert. Your brain makes connections quickly and easily. You’re primed to do work that requires your full attention. Neurons fire abundantly helping you achieve peak performance. New ideas and solutions to problems flash like lightning into your mind.

Delta Waves = Inspiration, Higher Learning
In this state, you are sound asleep. The slowest of all five brainwave frequencies and range between 0-4 Hz. The deepest of sleep states. It plays a vital role in health and well being. During this phase of the sleep cycle, the brain begins producing very slow, large Delta waves. Even a few hours of Delta waves will trick your brain into thinking it’s had all the restorative sleep it needs.

Gamma Waves = Inspiration, Higher Learning, Focus
The fastest of the brainwave frequencies. Signifies the highest state of focus possible. Associated with peak concentration and the brain’s optimal frequency for cognitive functioning. 40Hz frequency may be the key to the act of cognition.

Theta Waves = Meditation, Intuition, Memory
The more elusive and extraordinary brain states you can explore. Known as the twilight state. Normally only experienced fleetingly upon waking or drifting off to sleep. Being able to enter the dreamlike theta state without falling asleep takes meditation practice.


It is recommended that you do not use brainwave therapy if you are prone to seizures or if you’re pregnant. Take extra caution if under 26 years of age, as the brain is still developing and is more sensitive.

As with any new program, don’t overdo it. Most cases of side-effects come after overuse. Start with a 2-3 minute session. Everyone reacts differently. You will need to determine your sensitivity before jumping in.

If you experience increased anxiety, convulsions, overwhelming subconscious images, nausea, headaches, dizziness or increased heartbeat, STOP use immediately and permanently.

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