I Looked in the Mirror


I looked in the mirror to see
And a stranger looked back at me

A stranger who had my mother’s hair
But it wasn’t my mother standing there

A stranger who had my father’s eyes
But my father was not at my side

I took a closer look and saw it now
That stranger is somewhat familiar somehow

Still the child small, battered, and broken
Also a woman grown, loved, and awoken

Like a beautiful phoenix rising up from the ashes
Singing a song of life full of hope and new choices

The journey had been long with obstacles aplenty
It twisted and turned until it made me quite dizzy

I got lost in the darkness and forgot who I was
Being this girl then that girl always looking for love

My true self had gone, would I find her again
I felt her sometimes hiding just under the skin

I was determined to find her no matter the price
Little did I know there would be a sacrifice

Still I searched and I searched, calling out as I went
Come back please, I’m ready to forgive

Then there she was, I had found her at last
She had finally let go of the pain in her past

We embraced each other and now we were one
The truth blazed within me like the heat of the sun

I must give thanks for the sorrows I’ve had
For without them, I would not be the woman I am

I looked one last time in the mirror to see
And I see myself looking back at me

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